Collective Worship
Collective worship is a sacred and significant time of each school day, where we gather together as a whole school family. Collective worship strengthens and supports the Christian identity of our school and reaffirms our Christian vision and associated values of respect, service, wisdom, joy, forgiveness and resilience.
At Emmanuel we have a daily act of collective worship which is held as a whole school. Once a week, this is held in Emmanuel Church.
In our school we have, as a thread running through our work, the belief and practice of the Christian church. Christian beliefs about God, Jesus and the Church are explored through stories and discussion in classes.
During the school year we celebrate Christian festivals and other important events in the school calendar.
Our Collective Worships are important times when children come together to enjoy stories and songs and to reflect on religious, spiritual, moral and social issues. They are inclusive, invitational and inspirational and are theologically routed in the stories from the New Testament and Old Testament.
At Emmanuel, we recognise that our Collective Worship should provide the opportunity for pupils and adults to be included whilst allowing the freedom of those of different faiths and those who profess no religious faith to be present and to engage with integrity.
In our Friday Celebration Worship we celebrate children’s successes by presenting Headteacher Awards and Visionary awards, for living out our school vision. They all receive a big clap and are mentioned in our weekly newsletter!
Please find information below on all our school values